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Ad Blocking

SmartDNS can block ads by returning SOA for the corresponding domain name.

Note: If you're using OpenWrt with LuCI, please refer to OpenWrt's domain blocking configuration method.

Basic Configuration Method

  1. Block ads via address /domain/# option, for example:

    address /

    In the address option:

    • /domain/ uses a suffix matching algorithm that includes its subdomains;
    • # alone indicates both IPv4 and IPv6 blocking;
    • use #6 to block IPv6 only;
    • use #4 to block IPv4 only;
    • use - to unblock this domain.
  2. Block IPv6 only:

    address /
  3. If you want to unblock a particular subdomain:

    address /
  4. The prefix wildcard matches the main domain name

    // prefix wild card
    // only match subdomains
    // only match the main domain name

    Note: * and - are only supported at the beginning of the domain name. Wording in other locations is not supported.

Usage of Domain Set

For a single domain name blocking, you can conveniently use the address parameter to block it. For more domain names, you can block it through the domain-set, which is more convenient to manage the list of advertising domain names.

Use domain-set to configure the collection file, such as:

domain-set -name ad -file /path/to/adblock.list
address /domain-set:ad/#

The format of adblock.list is one domain per line, such as:

Using Community SmartDNS Ad-Blocking Lists

The community provides regularly updated ad-blocking list files for SmartDNS. You can directly use these ad-blocking list files, and add them to SmartDNS as an option with conf-file. Additionally, you can download and update these files periodically, then restart SmartDNS to take effect.

  1. Download the configuration file to the /etc/smartdns directory:

    wget -O /etc/smartdns/anti-ad-smartdns.conf
  2. Modify the /etc/smartdns/smartdns.conf file to include the above configuration file:

    conf-file /etc/smartdns/anti-ad-smartdns.conf

Ad Blocking Lists

Project Description Configuration File
anti-AD Anti Advertising for smartdns
adrules AdRules SmartDNS List
neodevhost neodevhost SmartDNS List

Non-SmartDNS List Format

For non-SmartDNS data, simple shell commands can convert it.

hosts Format

You can use the hosts-file option to specify a hosts format file, as shown in the following command:

hosts-file /etc/smartdns/anti-ad-smartdns.hosts

You can also convert the hosts file to the specific format used by SmartDNS using the following command.

cat /path/to/hosts/file | grep -v "^#" | awk '{print "address /"$2"/#"}' > anti-ad-smartdns.conf

dnsmasq Format

The dnsmasq format is similar to SmartDNS, but not compatible. You can convert it using the following command:

cat /path/to/dnsmasq/file  | grep address | awk -F= '{print "address "$2"#"}' > anti-ad-smartdns.conf